King Fish

Kingfish are ocean fish that are related to the Spanish mackerel. In the United States, king fish are fished off the coasts of California and in the Gulf of Mexico. Like other large, slightly oily fish, king fish can be grilled, broiled or poached with satisfying results. The thick steaks stand up well to high heat as well as simmering. Most preferred and tasty fish. Known for its best taste and health benefits, King fish proves to be one of the favorite seafood.

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How to Cook ( Thawing Instructions)

This packet contains Frozen Seafood. Please cook only after proper thawing as detailed below:

Immerse the airtight packet in normal water for approximately 30 to 45 minutes depending on the size of the fish. Open the packet, ensure it is fully thawed, rinse with water and proceed to cook your favorite dish.

For Part Use: Take only the required fish and put inside an airtight cover or Zip-Lock bag and follow thawing instruction as detailed above.

Meanwhile, please put the balance frozen fish in an airtight container or Zip-Lock bag and store back in freezer compartment of your fridge.

When storing for later use, follow the table below for freezer temperature to be maintained:

1Day – At < 4oC,   1 Week – At  -6oC, 1 Month – At – 12oC, Till Expiry Date – Cold store/Deep Freezer ( -18oC or below)

Do not refreeze the product once thawed.